Forum, Challenges, Competitions
Post Challenges, Competitions etc
Jobs, Recruit, Gigs, Verified
Credit Gigs - Verified
Verified, reviewed employers - unpaid gigs - IMDB and footage must be given to all involved
Jobs, Recruit
Example Job Posting
Example Job Posting - How your job would look if you recruit with us
Film Feedback, Forum
Film Feedback
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Jobs, Recruit, Gigs
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Crew Map
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Jobs, Recruit
Example Job Team Page
Example Job Posting - How your Team page would look if you recruit with us - you can manage your team for your production all in one organised space - no chaotic whatsapp group chats
Forum - main chat space and updates posted here
Jobs, Recruit, Gigs, Unverified, All
Credit Gigs - Unverified
Unverified unpaid gigs - IMDB and footage must be given to all involved
Events, Whats on, Whatson, To Do, Networking
Events, Whats on, Networking, Film Friends, Admin Sessions, Screenings, Fun Days Out, Nights out
Help, Support, Film Concierge, Concierge, Arun
Film Concierge
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Forum, General Chat
General Chat
General chat for all members