It was so nice to meet all of you last night! Thank you so much to those who turned up and a unbelievable that The Hero's 3 on the right here came all the way from Cardiff! We'll have to arrange a cardiff film friends networking event
Left to right Amiana ,Nikolai Agicolae , Rich Hall, Cowboy Shark, Ethan & Hero

Secondly for those looking for event management or a writer, look no further than my glamourous co host who helped calm everyones nerves Amiana!
The Icebreaker of the day was "If you were a biscuit, what biscuit would you be and why". This then led into, how would you film a commercial for a brand new biscuit. For those of you looking for a challenge to test your creativity. We challenge you to create your own advert for a new biscuit! Make it as unique as you!
- There was talk of a vote between Axe Throwing or Trampoline park so we'll get that booked in!
Cardiff Film Friends Casual Networking Event
Axe Throwing
Trampoline Park