Our Features
Made to help the UK Film Crew Community
Customise my Profile
Make your profile your own & showcase your work - Pick your template based on your profession. Customise your avatar, Profile Pic, Location Availability, Calendar, Rates, Portfolio, Reviews, upload Music, Images, you name it just keep it clean
Trusted Paid Gigs
Feel comforted in knowing that you are going to be paid and on time for your craft. With star reviews and feedback from previous employees. Once someone puts out their first job, they cannot submit a 2nd job until both the employee & employer have confirmed receipt of payment. That then gives them verification that they are trusted
Find A Crew
Want to make your own production? Or got a location shoot but don't know anyone in that area, then find your crew based on location. Either by using the map of tagged locations, or by putting out a request and all based in that area will be notified.
Guaranteed Credits Support
We understand that finding a budget can be a nightmare. But film is a passion and we all have to start somewhere. We just ask that you adhere to the following rules.
- Feed & hydrate your crew
- Cover their Travel
(find local or pick them up)
- Provide IMDB Credits & Photos/Videos.
Keep this up to maintain your account and make it fair for all
If you are not given your due credits please contact us and we will get involved. We can also contact them and also arrange your IMDB credits on your behalf for you.
Our Magazine
We like to shine a spotlight on the overlooked, on the crafts that not everyone may think about but are so important to the industry. And sometimes the introverts struggle to be heard or to sell themselves, so we pick at random members to visit, take photos & videos and interview them about their craft and hear their stories
Training & Workshops
Online & In person training & workshops from industry experts. Learn a new trade, have a refresher, or submit your own training course. Every day is a school day so let's share the knowledge!
Local Networking events
It can often feel quite isolating for those outside of London. So we aim to provide regular local networking events with icebreakers so you are forced to talk to new people and open your eyes to different trades. You may even end up wanting to retrain! Or you might meet a new best friend!
National Conventions
We need to celebrate how awesome the UK Film industry is so we believe in having some go big or go home events. Entertainment, vendor stalls, Training for students & newbies. Open to Film Crew, Students & the general public so they can get a BTS into what it is we do
Photography by Jessica Sansom
Photography by Jessica Sansom
Rate & Review
We want to make sure that everyone feels safe and can trust who they may work with next. Which is why we introduce the rate & review section. Like you are shopping on amazon or on check a trade, you want to feel confident that who you are either going to work for or who you are going to hire will get the job done. Those with a low rating we will investigate and see if they need a helping hand or advice. Those with a high rating we will sing the praises of!
Support Groups
We believe in support groups where you can ask anything as this is a positive community after all and we do not believe in negativity, hate or isolating people. The original Facebook group was founded on the idea of positive community collaboration so lets keep that up!
Challenges & Competitions
We like to keep things fun. With some regular challenges aimed at specific trades and a monthly fun film competition where a different element will be judged we aim at building on that collaborative network
Fund your film
We hope that with the total membership leftover funds we can raise enough money to offer to fund your next film project and use crew from this group to create that. This would only be possible with your membership and as such you would all receive IMDB credits as associate producers.